"The Press in the USA: Perspectives for a Changing Market"

Brazilian International Press Association
 in the United States

Download "Presentation1.pdf"

"The Press in the USA: Perspectives for a Changing Market"

Brazilian International Press Association
 in the United States

Download "Presentation1.ppsx"

JWO254 Telemarketing Operating Policy Powerpoint-PDF  by J.W. Owens

This is a sample of one of my company’s operating policy. This was distributed to all concerned, so that everyone had an understanding of what was expected.
The department will be known as the CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT.
To increase sales to small existing accounts, to reactivate accounts which have not ordered within the past 12 months, and to open new markets for our products. By utilizing Telesales, we will reduce overall sales costs and permit current outside sales representatives to concentrate on larger accounts with the greatest potential.
Download my PDF…Below

Download "JWO254 Telemarketing Operating Policy Powerpoint-PDF.pdf"

Telemarketing Operating Policy by J.W. Owens


This is a sample of one of my company’s operating policy. This was distributed to all concerned, so that everyone had an understanding of what was expected.


The department will be known as the CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT.


To increase sales to small existing accounts, to reactivate accounts which have not ordered within the past 12 months, and to open new markets for our products. By utilizing Telesales, we will reduce overall sales costs and permit current outside sales representatives to concentrate on larger accounts with the greatest potential.

Download "Telemarketing Operating Policy.pdf"

How To Use Your CVC Audit To Increase Revenue
 A Handbook for Publishers and Ad Sales Representatives


14 different FACEBOOK AD TYPES

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14 different FACEBOOK AD TYPES

Understanding Flow types for Effective Native Ad Placements

Native is the Future of Mobile Advertising

Native ads will soon be worth  more than $53 billion
a year in ad revenue.1  If you've been considering using native ads in your app, now is the time to get started.

Download "Understanding Flow types for Effective Native Ad Placements.pdf"

Business Plan Template in PDF

Start building your business plan with this Free PDF Template for Sales Reps

Download "business-plan-template.pdf"

Business Plan Template in Microsoft Word.

Start building your business plan with this Free Microsoft Template for Sales Reps

Download "business-plan-template.doc"

NCMA BLOG Overview

Free Information and Materials A Sample of Our Blog with an additional 10-20 new articles added each week. https://ncmagroup.com/

The Utimate Sales Manager Checklist

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10 Secrets to an Effective Performance Review:

Examples and tips on employee performance evaluation, writing employee reviews, a sample performance review and employee evaluation forms

Download "EffectivePerformanceReview.pdf"

Download our sales app. Use it, and crush all your sales goals.

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16 Unbelievable Statistics Sales

Salespeople don’t usually spend too much time researching their profession. Instead,
They’re focused on closing deals and making money.


Download "16 Unbelievable Statistics Sales.docx"


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How to Manage Negative Social Media Comments

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10 Step Sales Process

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Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

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26 Things to note before you develop a website

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