NY PennySaver Testimonials

Classified ads online from the Yorktown PennySaver in Westchester County, NY. The PennySaver covers Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess County in New York, and Fairfield County in Connecticut. http://www.nypennysaver.com/

Make Your Salesteam An iPad Army: J.W. Owens

An iPad in the hands of a well-trained sales operative changes the game for everyone. Customers are better served. Office workflows are enhanced. And that sales person discovers efficiencies that might otherwise never have been possible.

Apps Salespeople Will Love

The sequel to one of 20/20’s most popular sessions. Four years ago, J.W. Owens showed us how to take the iPad on sales calls and specific apps for mobile devices that make salespeople more productive. Much has changed since 2012. In this recording of IFPA 20/20 Industry Insights Webinar, the industry veteran will show you how to make those changes pay off.

Apps Salespeople Can Love: J.W Owens

J.W. Owens returns to 20/20 with a list of handy apps your salespeople should have on their smart phones

Moneysaver WebSite Pirates Episode!

Save money: http://www.moneysavermag.com Another Video from the Moneysaver Magaine. Your local Treasure Coast savings magazine. Be sure to drop by our blog at http://www.moneysavermag.com/blog/

CRM---Customer Relationship Management: J.W. Owens:

Industry veteran J.W. Owens returns following his highly successful sessions on IPads for Sales Teams and Apps A Salesperson Will Love. This time his focus is on the opportunity and challenges involved in the implementation of CRM---Customer Relationship Management applications.

Port St. Lucie, FL Mobile Marketing & Advertising - (772) 266-7790

http://oceanmediasolutions.com/ - Are you looking for a professional Port St. Lucie mobile marketing & advertising firm? Call (772) 266-7790 today to get a great deal on a Port St. Lucie mobile advertising package. Ocean Media Solutions 3727 SE Ocean Blvd, Suite 202 Stuart, FL 34996 (772) 232-8797 http://moneysavermag.com http://oceanmediasolutions.com Mobile marketing in Port St. Lucie, FL is a fantastic way to stay connected with your customers. You'll always get the best with us, because our mobile advertising services in Port St. Lucie can't be beat.